All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI)

The All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) is a community-based action planning, action research and advocacy organisation. It works towards bridging the gap between policy, practice and research related to disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation as laid out in the National Disaster Management Plan of Government of India of 2016.

Established after the 1987–89 Gujarat droughts, AIDMI has expanded its work over the years to cover 14 types of disasters in twelve areas of India and beyond to eight countries in Asia. AIDMI strives to link local communities to national and international levels of risk reduction, relief and long-term recovery policies and programmes to build resilience as envisioned in Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).

As an action and learning organization, AIDMI works towards promoting disaster risk mitigation and adaptation to climate change risk by supporting, capturing, processing and disseminating disaster-related information, lessons and innovative ideas as well as conducting stakeholder round tables, capability training of trainers, reviews and reflections, evaluations and impact studies, and citizen-centred pilots or demonstration projects.


411 Sakar Five
Near Natraj Cinema
Ashram Road
380 009