Humanitarian Exchange 51: Humanitarian Action in the Middle East

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Date published
01 Jul 2011
Capacity development, Community-led, Cash-based transfers (CBT), Conflict, violence & peace, Forced displacement and migration, Urban
Bolivia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Myanmar, Occupied Palestinian Territory, South Sudan, Syria
 Humanitarian action in the Middle East
2 The humanitarian challenge in the Middle East
4 Restricting aid: access and movement constraints in the occupied Palestinian territory
7 Supporting women in a difficult policy environment: the ICRC’s programmes for women-headed households in Iraq
9 Iraqi refugees: making the urban approach context-specific
12 Working with local organisations in Jordan
14 Addressing mental health needs in Lebanon
17 MSF in the Middle East: a challenging context

Practice and policy notes
19 What cash transfers tell us about the international humanitarian community
21 Local NGOs in Myanmar: vibrant but vulnerable
23 Christian faith communities and HIV in humanitarian settings: the cases of South Sudan, DRC and Kenya
26 Developing interagency DRR tools at field level: World Vision’s experience in Bolivia
29 A market-integrated response to an emergency in Kyrgyzstan
32 Ending isolation: solar solutions in Haiti
33 Integrating conflict mitigation into the INEE Minimum Standards for Education