Oxfam GB Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods Urban Programme Evaluation: Final Report

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Ian Macauslan with Laura Phelps
Publication language
Date published
05 Mar 2012
Thematic evaluation
Accountability to affected populations (AAP), Cash-based transfers (CBT), Food security, Livelihoods, Social protection, Urban
Haiti, Kenya, Occupied Palestinian Territory

The global urban population is now larger than the rural population. While rural areas in general remain worse off than urban areas, the number of people in urban poverty is growing fast, and urban dwellers are vulnerable to significant disasters. Development and humanitarian agencies are therefore increasingly exploring how they can work better in urban areas, where they have traditionally had comparatively little experience.

This report sets out findings from three assessments of Oxfam’s urban emergency food security and livelihoods programmes in Nairobi (Kenya), Port-au-Prince (Haiti) and Gaza. The purpose of the assessments was to explore the following areas:

  • Appropriateness
  • Timeliness
  • Targeting
  • Impact
  • Accountability
  • Partners’ experience

The three programmes differed substantially and responded to very different types of vulnerability:

  • The Nairobi Urban Social Protection Programme (NUSPP), which included cash transfers, cash for work, skills training and business grants, and advocacy to the government for scale-up. The assessment is based on primary fieldwork.
  • Oxfam’s Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods (EFSL) response to the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which included cash for work, food and cash grants, training and in kind transfers. This assessment is based on Levron 2011.
  • The Gaza Food Security and Livelihoods Programme (GFSL), which included cash for work, a voucher programme, training and support to income generation. This assessment is based on Levron 2011.

The methodology for each study was based on a review of documents and semi structured interviews and group discussions with programme officers, other stakeholders, and participants in the programmes.