Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 (December 2021)

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Date published
20 Dec 2021
Plans, policy and strategy
Contingency Planning, System-wide performance

The 2022 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) requires US$1.46 billion to reach 5.5 million people across all 74 districts of the country. The HRP is based on the robust inter-sectoral analysis of the 2022 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), which identified 7.7 million people, including refugees and asylum seekers, in need of humanitarian assistance in the country. This constitutes a 1.8 million person increase from the 5.9 million people in need (PiN) identified in the 2021 HRP.

The highly focused and prioritized humanitarian response will be driven by the three Strategic Objectives outlined above, with the Centrality of Protection at its core – as embodied in Strategic Objective 3. The HRP outlines how protection mainstreaming, localization, gender equality, Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) are integrated into specific cluster plans and will be strengthened across the response.